Ever wish there was a Battlefield equivalent? Well, there is. It’s always fun putting together racetracks among other things in Garry’s Mod and the Halo Series’ Forge Mode. Note 2: While there aren’t servers running most of these mods, most all of them can be played offline. You can quite easily find them with a quick Google search, but Hardcore Gamer is not responsible for any issues you may run into. Note: Due to the occasionally deceptive ads on some mod sites, we aren’t including links to any of the following mods.
While the newer Battlefields have been fantastic, lets take a look back at a few of the mods that made the incredible Battlefields of yesteryear even better. Whether thanks to often-cited technical reasons, or out of the fear that free mods would dip too deeply into DLC sales, recent Battlefield games haven’t released with any kind of mod support. Unfortunately, since Battlefield: Bad Company, that hasn’t been the case. While the games (in most cases) were fantastic on their own, fans could buy each game knowing that some wonderful mods would eventually release for them, and further increase their replay value. There’s no denying that mods used to be a staple of the Battlefield series.